Active Voice For Auxiliary Verbs

Concept Explanation

Active Voice For Auxiliary Verbs

Conversion  of Passive Voice Sentence into Active Voice For Auxiliary Verbs:

Rule used to identify that the sentence is in Passive Form with Auxiliary Verbs is:

subject + modal + be + third form of verb + by + object

For Positive sentence:

For Example:

  • A car can be driven by him. ( passive)
  • Here,'A car" is the subject, 'can' is modal ,'driven' is the third form of the verb drive and 'him' is an object. on converting the sentence from passive to active voice the sentence will be

    While converting into Active Voice the rule will be :

    Rule: subject + modal + first form of the verb + object

  •  He can drive a car.( active)
  • The object 'him' will change into subject and the subject 'he' will change into object and the verb first form will be used according to the  rule.

    For Negative sentence:

    Rule: subject + modal + not + be + third form of the verb + by + object

  •  A car cannot be driven by him.( passive)
  • Here,'A car' is subject, 'can' is modal ,'driven' is the third form of drive and 'him' is an object.

    While converting into Active Voice the rule will be :

    Rule: subject + modal + not + first form of verb + object

    For Example:

  • He cannot drive a car.( active)
  • The object 'him' will change into subject and the subject 'he' will change into object and the verb first form will be used according to the  rule.

    For interrogative Sentence:    

    Rule: modal + subject + be + third form of the verb +by+object

  • Can a car be driven by him? (passive)
  • Here, 'can' is the modal which will be remain same(position is not changed), 'A car" is subject, 'can' is modal ,'driven' is the third form of drive and 'him' is an object.

     While converting into Active Voice the rule will be :

    Rule: :modal + subject + first form of the verb + object        

    For Example: 

  • Can he drive a car? (active)
  • The object 'a car' will change into subject and the subject 'he' will change into object and the verb first form will be used according to the  rule.


    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Change the given sentence from active to passive voice: You should open the wine about three hours before you use it.

    Right Option : D
    View Explanation
    Question : 2

    Change passive voice into active voice for auxiliary verb .

    The car can not be sold by her everytime .

    Right Option : B
    View Explanation
    Question : 3

    Change the given sentence from active to passive voice.

    She would like_____for her mistakes rather than not being told about them.

    Right Option : B
    View Explanation
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